The official blog of nwec1977 volunteers

This is a blog about NWEC-volunteering and gender equality

Removal of Tanabata decorations 2024

2024.8.8a.m、volunteers removed the Tanabata decorations and cleaned up.

If you write your wish on a strip of paper and hang it on a bamboo tree, your wish may come true.  By August 7th, 148 strips of paper had been attached to the bamboo at nwec.

So we divided them into six categories.

Type 1 was a wish for world peace and the environment, which was written on 10 strips of paper (7%).

"パレスチナに平和を!Peace for Palestine!"   "ミャンマーに平和を!Peace in Myanmar!"   "戦争が終わり全世界が平和になりますように!May the war end and the whole world be in peace!".


Type 2 was a wish to develop "nwec", with 8 cards (5%).

"nwecが存続し発展しますように! We hope "NWEC" Continued development"


Type 3 was about social human rights, including gender equality, with 15cards (10%).

"ジェンダー平等の実現! Achieving gender equality! "


4. These were wishes for good school activities such as studying, with 26cards (18%).

5. These were wishes for stability in life and happiness in life, with 36 cards (24%).

6. These were personal wishes, with 53 cards (36%).


photo by volunteer