The official blog of nwec1977 volunteers

This is a blog about NWEC-volunteering and gender equality

Tanabata 2015 part1

2015.7.6   Tanabata 2015 part1

A Star Festival ornament is a Japanese traditional
seasonal event.

We improve our skill in female sensitivity and handwork and also
wish more improvement of schoolwork.

A great deal of Orizuru who made with everyone.
イメージ 1

The good-looking floral guy who makes it by local Japanese paper.
イメージ 2

The various Star Festival ornaments you're making one after another.
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The big bamboo carried from a site in NWEC was also prepared.
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The volunteers displaying politely in a branch of bamboo grass.
イメージ 5

The state which is being installed in the left steadily to the right.
イメージ 6

A staff is added, too, and the strip of paper on which all wish was written will be put.
イメージ 7

That a strip of paper of "wish" will be taken up,    OO! With what !
"Because there is a moderate pension, and happiness is also in a hurry and it's good,
can I have health much, please wish for peaceful Japan and make it Japan where
I have no accidents."
イメージ 8
you're speaking for common people's feeling, but aren't there too much favors requested
from a Star Festival?

This continuation see part2, please.

2015.7.6 photo by volunteer