The official blog of nwec1977 volunteers

This is a blog about NWEC-volunteering and gender equality

First liaison meeting 2016

2016.5.12 First liaison meeting 2016 

Volunteer liaison conference was held.

イメージ 1

イメージ 2
A volunteer is going to join in a staff of a regular meeting now, too.

イメージ 3

イメージ 4
This fiscal year's plan list of volunteer activities.

イメージ 5
A theme of this year's forum was shown.
* An individual.
* You can play an active part.
* I create society.

An individual will create the society which can play an active part for us.

イメージ 6

イメージ 7
Volunteer acceptance point (new publication)
nwec set a necessary matter about volunteer's acceptance.

イメージ 8
The point of view of the volunteer and the role, "It's connected, I tie.".

イメージ 9
Check list of the manners a volunteer needs.

A link to a last time meeting.

Third liaison meeting FY2015

2016.3.18 is remembered.

 photo by volunteer