The official blog of nwec1977 volunteers

This is a blog about NWEC-volunteering and gender equality

#84 was issued 2016.8.22

#84 was issued 2016.8 .22
The public relations paper information
volunteers produced was issued on Aug.22. 
イメージ 1

イメージ 2
The state of the plan editors' meeting.
イメージ 3
We participated in gender forum in a university.
イメージ 4
The volunteers who worry about a mood of a high-speed printing machine
and watch.


イメージ 5
The arrangement which has ended print is being done.

It's possible to read the contents than the following web. 
women's information center letter  #84;

Last issue guidance is this.
 #83 was issued 2016.3

photo by volunteer  2016