The official blog of nwec1977 volunteers

This is a blog about NWEC-volunteering and gender equality

Women's exchange association in Fukushima and Saitama.

Women's exchange association in Fukushima and Saitama.
The following four women's groups held the exchange meeting
by NWEC.
・The disaster victims of Fukushima which is living a group refuge life.
・The disaster victims of Fukushima which is living a refuge life by nwec.
・"With You Saitama", the center staff and its supporter and others of
Saitama Prefectural Center for Promotion of Gender Equality.
・The nwec volunteers who are supporting the earthquake disaster
disaster victim.
イメージ 1 

   ・"With You Saitama"センターのスタッフとそのサポーター達。

A NWEC volunteer, Ms. Mieko Taguchi, has
expressed the situation and comment at this
time as follows.
 『 With You Saitamaの職員から、「今度福島県から避難されている方々へのツアーイベントがあり、ヌエックに宿泊するのでと・・・」と協力依頼があった。
 「お役にたてれば」とうれしい気持ちと、一方で津波によって家を流され、ご家族を失い、更に放射線被害と言う未曽有の体験をされ、心配事を抱えた方々の悲しみを考えると、なんと言葉をかけて良いやら複雑な緊張を持ちながら、来館を待つ。 ほぼ定刻にツアーバスNWECに到着。 私は全員の笑顔とその姿に接しほっとした。
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 I cannot forget throughout life. The fearful thing
for which 3.11 great earthquakes have changed all.
It was a feeling to appear safely and cry over
saying that it was good truly.
It was very glad that he was able to meet these
The exchange meeting was small. Women gathered rice boiled with red beans, homemade vegetables,
a handmade dessert, Japanese tea, etc.
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 The thing of the shelter life which changes a place repeatedly,
the thing of support goods,
the thing unique to a woman for which troubles were suffered, etc.
Although there was also serious inside subject, since it was women,
conversation became 17 pleasant women meetings by those with
laughter and those with a tear which pile and go up.
 イメージ 2
 Probably, the rich green of extensive NWEC was
felt very large for people who live in a shelter.
 翌、 二日目、NWECの施設案内を行う。広大な敷地と豊かな緑は、避難所に暮らす人々にとって更に広々と感じたに違いない。
The feeling that I would insist as the further fight in these two days became strong.
And it must be prayed that much recovery, and people's health and happiness visit.
 一日も早い復興と多くの人々の健康と幸福が訪れますよう祈らずにはいられない。 』

                                                  "遠足のしおり"はWith You Saitamaが作成。
 ("With You Saitama" supporter Ms.Usui wrote; )
When the photograph was brought to the shelter in which people of Futaba-cho are present later,
the warm reception by NWEC was appreciated again. Thank you.
改めて感謝された。  ありがとうございました。(サポーターの薄井。)