The official blog of nwec1977 volunteers

This is a blog about NWEC-volunteering and gender equality

forum 2015 part.2 the tea ceremony

2015.8.20 The tea ceremony

"Ichigo-Ichie no Omotenashi"

イメージ 1
Please enjoy tea of a break in the tea-ceremony room circled by Greene.
A few tension and relief will be energy tomorrow.

イメージ 2
The volunteer doing reception work of a tea ceremony.

イメージ 3
When manners of traditional Japanese tea are seen after a long time, we're a little tense.

イメージ 4
" hanging scroll "    and   "incense container"
 It's a wonderful thurible, so it's being seen tightly.

イメージ 5
It's the posture of the commemoration by all the members of this tea ceremony.

イメージ 6
This is a ticket for tea ceremony.
It's written with "Ichigo-Ichie no Omotenashi".

This is Japanese which can't be explained easily.
If I'd like to know conversantly, there is also a way to check Wikipedia.

" Omotenashi" is a heart of "selfless hospitality".
The article which says so is on japantimes of 2013/10/1.
" Explanation of Christel Takigawa".

A contact to part.3 is this.

Gender Equality Promotion Forum, 2015.8.20 photo by volunteer