The official blog of nwec1977 volunteers

This is a blog about NWEC-volunteering and gender equality


Hina Doll 2020

February 26, 2020. This year the volunteers also had fun and decorated Hina Dolls. Hina doll decoration is a festival for traditional Japanese girls. Decorated in the entrance lobby. It was very gorgeous and lively. Take it out of the ware…

Musha Doll-2014

2014.4.23 五月人形飾りつけ 環境ボランティアたちはエントランスホールに五月人形を飾る活動をしていました。 The activity that dolls for the boy's festival are displayed in an entrance hall was performed. "Musha" means warrior. ここは男女共同参…

Japanese tea ceremony 2014

2014.4.6 茶会が嵐山さくら祭りの一環として開催された。 A tea ceremony was held as a part of "Ranzan cherry tree festival". 響書院入り口に掲げられた案内板 Guideboard to "Hibikishoin" "Lounge" 交代で受付と案内を行うボランティア Reception des…

Removed of Hina Doll set 2014.4

2014.4.4 雛飾りかたづけ ボランティアたちは、雛飾りの片付活動をしました。 Volunteers were doing removal work of "Hina doll". ひな飾りの様な伝統行事を、旧暦や月遅れで行う習慣は、関東地方でも数少なくなってきました、 ここ比企郡嵐山町も月遅れ…


ちょっと寂しいかしら 武者人形さん ジェンダー平等といいますけど、・・・ 威勢よく武者ぶるいしている5月人形より、外の新緑の方が震えるくらいまぶしい。 エントランスホール ボランティアルームから眺める 晴れた午後のひとコマ 2012.0516 Ver.1.01 Pho…

Tanabata 2011 removed

TANABATA-2011 was removed yesterday. The tanabata event with which the hall entrance hall had been decorated since the end of June ended. The wish for the strip of paper at current year became 402 total. 七夕の願い事の定番である習い事の上…

Tanabata 2011

TANABATA-2011 A large, beautiful Star Festival ornament (tanabata) was set up in NWEC entrance hall this year. NWEC-tanabata is the one beautifully decorated by the NWEC-staff and NWEC-volunteers every year. In tanabata of a traditional ev…